

With a Little Help From My Friends

J.P. Bowie

Customer & Industry Reviews of With a Little Help From My Friends

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  Review by Whipped Cream Reviews

With a strong plot, superb dialogue and witty banter, With a Little Help from My Friends by J.P. Bowie is an irresistibly charming and entertaining story.

  Review by Jessewave Reviews

...the author did a nice job of showing Cameron's feeling and struggles so that both protagonists were developed enough to really capture my attention. I particularly enjoyed the humor found throughout the story which was a nice contrast to the mo

  Review by Dark Diva Reviews

...a wonderful little story...There's a wonderful romance, some really great toe-curling sex and a lot of terrific getting to know each other.

  Review by Literary Nymphs

...a fun and light-hearted romp across the minefield called dating...The story premise is realistic, the relationships believable and the chemistry between Drew and Cameron intense.

  Review by Queer Magazine Online

This is a wonderful story, written in first person, and with lots of self-deprecating humor coming from the narrator and main character, Drew...I liked both characters a lot, the issues were real and dealt with in a humorous yet realistic and satisfact

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