

Stallion's Pride

By Jenna Byrnes & Jude Mason

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Book Description
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A recently discovered horse talisman and a gypsy horse changeling tribe seem like the perfect match. Is headstrong Brishen ready for the power the talisman brings?

It's a stressful time for the familya of gypsy horse changelings. Shandor, King of the Gypsies, has died, leaving the clans at war and his son, Brishen, struggling with his new-found leadership. Brishen also struggles with something more personal - choosing a life mate. Will it be Tawnie, the female his father selected for him? Or handsome Jal, whose masculine features excite Brishen more than anything has before?

In cougar territory, a day's journey away, clan leader Kai and his mate Aric are dealing with an issue of their own. A new talisman discovered - a brilliant purple stone with the head of a horse in gold filigree. Unaware of any horse changelings, Kai calls a meeting of the talisman holders to discuss what should be done.

Tarek, leader of the bears, and Cole, ruler of the wolves, come together with Kai to track down their new changeling brothers. When they find the horses and meet young, headstrong Brishen, it's a battle of wills - a battle no one wants to lose.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of m/m and m/m/f intimacy.

General Release Date: 29th March 2010

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-058-5
Word Count: 31,137
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 91

About the author
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Jenna Byrnes & Jude Mason

Jenna Byrnes

Jenna Byrnes could use more cabinet space and more hours in a day. She'd fill the kitchen with gadgets her husband purchases off TV and let him cook for her to his heart's content. She'd breeze through the days adding hours of sleep, and more time for writing the hot, erotic romance she loves to read.

Jenna thinks everyone deserves a happy ending, and loves to provide as many of those as possible to her gay, lesbian and hetero characters. Her favourite quote, from a pro-gay billboard, is "Be careful who you hate. It may be someone you love."

You can find Jenna on Facebook.

Jude Mason

Jude's imagination frequently leads her astray and she eagerly follows while trying to keep out of trouble, or at least, not get caught. For those of you who know her, you'll know that's not always easy. A picture, a smell, an unexpected glimpse of flesh, or a load of soil in the back of a pick-up, are all fodder for her writing. Her male characters run the gamut from the dominant male ruling his women with an iron fist, to a simpering purple-clad boy-toy whose only desire is to please. As diverse and as richly depicted, her women find themselves in a myriad of exotic and erotic situations.

Catch up with Jude at her blog and MySpace.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Christina

Stallions Pride immerses you in the world of Brishen, the new king of the Horse Changelings, people who can transform into horses at will. From the death of his father at the beginning, to the awakening...

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  Reviewed by Bitten by Books

Byrnes Mason has created a wonderful world filled with strong characters and a captivating story...Byrnes Mason has created an epic tale in a bite-sized serving in this delightful story. I will definitely...

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