

Twelve Dates of Christmas

Elizabeth Hollows

Customer & Industry Reviews of Twelve Dates of Christmas

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  Review by Bookish Bunny

Exceptionally well written M/M romance. It's like the author did a well choreographed dance with words, sometimes fast paced, sometimes slowing down, the two characters moving in rhythm to a wonderful end. The book was by turns romantic and steamy... very steamy and graphic at times, though still tasteful. Nothing monumental happens in the book, it's heavily character focused and considering how well written both Chance and Angel were, that was a great decision as it allows the reader to just concentrate on them. It was funny, witty, occasionally poignant and very smartly written. There is a heavy emphasis on the Christmas theme, so perfect for the holidays, though a story worth reading regardless. My copy is from Booksprout and I am gladly sharing my thoughts. This was my first book by this author but I would absolutely read more. If you like m/m romance at all, this is worth reading.

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