
Necessary Madness

Lisabet Sarai

Customer & Industry Reviews of Necessary Madness

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  Review by Blackraven Reviews

A recommended read! This is the first book I have read by Lisabet Sarai and if Necessary Madness is a taste of the caliber of her writing I can guarantee it won't be the last...Necessary Madness grabbed my attention from the first page to the ve

  Review by Romance Junkies Reviews

...a thrilling m/m paranormal romance...The plot held my attention and there are a few surprising moments. I found the villain repulsive yet believable. I recommend NECESSARY MADNESS to anyone who enjoys a well-written paranormal novel.

  Review by Silver Winters abundance of romantic and sexual situations that are sure to get your blood flowing faster...there is room to extend the story to a second book and I sincerely hope this will happen.

  Review by S. K. Fero

...this was an enjoyable, hot story involving some complicated characters who face many obstacles to find their happily-ever-after.

  Review by Bitten by Books

The erotic scenes where well written and even had me feeling a bit hot-n-bothered...I was pleased to be pulled away from ordinary life and slip into a distracting, well written story for a while. Definitely worth reading.

  Review by Fallen Angels Reviews

The writing was solid and the plot fast paced...kudos to Lisabet Sarai for writing a villain so captivating...can see lots of potential storylines coming out of this world and hope that Lisabet Sarai will follow up on them. I would love to return somed

  Review by Elisa Role Reviews

I'm glad to have read this romance...

  Review by Rainbow Reviews

Necessary Madness" by Lisabet Sarai is a good paranormal read. The characters are compelling and the story fascinating...Overall, I enjoyed "Necessary Madness;" it was gripping, exciting, and sexy!

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