

Jared's Salvation

T.K. Paige

Customer & Industry Reviews of Jared's Salvation

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  Review by The Blogger Girls

Morgan: This book captured me right from the start! The two MCs are very real and likeable. This was a very engaging, mostly believable, sweet and sometimes very sexy love at first sight story with a bit of hurt/comfort romance, with a small, but not distracting, mystery thrown in. I highly recommend this and give it 4.75 of 5 stars

Susan: T.K. Paige is a new author to me, but if this book is any indication of what’s to come, then I am excited to see where it goes from here. This story is well written, is pretty well fleshed out, with likable characters, moderate doses of angst and drama, and a great ending. One can’t really ask for more than that. Highly recommended.

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