

Soul Sick

Kendall McKenna

Customer & Industry Reviews of Soul Sick

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  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

PTSD and the personal consequences of warfare are not an easy subject to deal with. Kendall McKenna does an excellent job showing the types of situations and reactions couples may have to deal with when one of them is affected. The result isn’t easy reading, but I found it well worth the effort, and one of the best stories in the ‘Semper Fidelis’ collection. A lot of the more factual information about PTSD and some important details are missing due to how short this story is, but if you’re looking for an emotional sketch, a somewhat shocking description of some of the consequences of warfare, give this short story a go.

  Review by Redz World

I loved Ms. McKenna for being very true and doing her research on this subject. It added to the level of believability and connection to the characters, that I as the reader felt.  This might be a short story but it has a lot of story inside of it. When you like your love a little angsty, and a whole lot fiery this is the book to pick up. 

  Review by Wicked Reads

This short, hot, and very emotionally charged story is a harsh reminder of what men suffer at war, and how difficult coming home to civilian life can be. It is starkly delivered and works well as a contrast to the clear tenderness and affection that the men share.

  Review by The Blogger Girls

Tucker and Jamie are typical Kendall McKenna characters; both were big, strong men, and sexy as hell. Of course, I always want more of her work, but at the same time, I was just thankful to spend a little time in her world. 

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