

Edward, Unconditionally

By Lynn Lorenz

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Book Description
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Edward is on a mission to save his grandmother by using his power. Jack is on a mission to never come out of the closet. It’ll take a dog named Winston to bring them together.

When Jack meets Edward at a traffic stop, his world is rocked—and not for the better. Edward is the gayest man he’s ever seen and Spring Lake is a small town just getting comfortable with its own new gay couple, Brian Russell and Rush Weston. Unlike Edward, Rush and Brian are big, strapping, manly men. But manly isn’t what turns Jack on. It’s Edward—everything about the younger man drives Jack wild with desire and the need to control Edward’s wild, impetuous spirit.

For Edward, his attraction to ‘bad boys’ has been his romantic downfall. His heart’s been broken so many times he’s lost count. When he meets Jack, Edward falls for the all-American by-the-book lawman, but finds his attempts rebuffed and his pride severely wounded. Jack’s straight, or at least says he is, but Edward knows that look in Jack’s eyes—he’s seen it before in other men. How can a man so right be so wrong?

Edward tempts Jack beyond anyone he’s ever met and his desire for Edward builds each time he encounters the younger man, until he can no longer deny it or himself. But Edward doesn’t want sex on the side, he wants forever. He wants the fairy tale.

Can Jack give Edward what he wants or will Jack’s fear of being ridiculed for his choice of a partner keep them from their happily ever after?

Publisher's Note: This book has previously been released elsewhere. It has been revised and re-edited for re-release with Pride Publishing.

General Release Date: 22nd August 2017

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-597-1
Word Count: 74,004
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 223

About the author
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Lynn Lorenz

Lynn Lorenz is an award-winning and bestselling author who grew up in New Orleans but currently lives in Texas, where she’s a fan of all things Texan, like Longhorns, big hair and cowboys in tight jeans. She’s never met a comma she didn’t like and enjoys editing and brainstorming with other writers. Lynn spends most of her time writing about hot sex with even hotter heroes, plot twists, werewolves and medieval swashbucklers. She’s currently at work on her latest book, making herself giggle and blush and avoiding all the housework.

You can follow Lynn on Facebook and Twitter.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Rainbow Book Reviews

Seeing as how I really adored the first two books in this series and I'm becoming a big fan of Lynn Lorenz, once I read the description of this third installment I couldn't wait to read it. Within minut...

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