

Between Life & Death

L.M. Brown

Customer & Industry Reviews of Between Life & Death

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  Review by Literary Nymphs Reviews

The well written plot explores the religious sticky situation of human morals, along with the influences our earthly behavior has on the afterlife. I thoroughly enjoyed the character’s honorable traits, as well as their arousing exhibitions of intimacy. 

  Review by Prism Book Alliance

Congratulations must go the author for the world building over these three books. Everything was set and ready for what must happen and as a reader I was left quickly flipping pages and sat on the edge of my seat waiting to see how it would all work itself out. I found myself shouting at my kindle at the seemingly unfairness of it all and then the Epilogue turned me into a blubbering mess. Well done L M Brown on a fantastic series!

  Review by The Jeep Diva

This book is one huge roller coaster of emotions. The dire situations that these three men face seem so impossible at so many times. Brown gave this sexy trio the best possible happily ever after. They have been more than deserving to get this conclusion to one hell of an amazing erotic paranormal romance series.

  Review by The Blogger Girls

It is an amazing story and I loved it. A very worthy read, but one where the guys have nothing come easy for them, and it takes more than a lifetime to resolve, but it is a happily ever after and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters.

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

A good ending to an interesting series, 'Between Life and Death', went in a direction or two that surprised me and kept me entertained. If you like ménage with battles between good and evil, then this series might be for you.

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