

It's Only Make Believe

Havan Fellows

Customer & Industry Reviews of It's Only Make Believe

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  Review by Jeep Diva

This story presented several very sad situations and allowed the reader to follow along as Dyer finds himself, and the courage to face things long buried. Touching and thought-provoking, this quick story mixes emotion with action and never has a moment of down time. More than a simple coming-out story, this provides a sense of the emotional turmoil and reliance on friends and honesty that is required.


Reviewed by Gaele

  Review by Long and Short Reviews


All up this is a wonderful, fun and lighthearted short story. I enjoyed Harry, Dyer and Derrick’s characters and their interaction.


The romantic side of the story has a wonderful, complete ending that should leave readers with a smile on their faces just like it did to me.

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

If you like coming out stories about men who thought they were straight, if a man who has been in denial (for very sad reasons) for a long time and now faces the truth interests you, and if you're looking for a short read with an interesting conundrum and some very hot action between the sheets, then you will probably like this short story. 


Reviewed by Serena

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