

Wicked Intentions

By Talia Carmichael

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Book Description
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An unexpected meeting leads a widower on a journey that will change his life forever and possibly give him a new love.

Evan Murray is working hard to get back to as close to normal as he can after the death of his husband. An attempt on his life shatters the hard-won peace he has achieved. Meeting Ian, one of the detectives sent to handle his case, Evan finds himself feeling something he didn't expect to feel for any other man again-attraction. Evan doesn't believe anyone wants to hurt him, yet with each new attempt, he realises he might be in more danger than he expects. Although he might be in danger, he won't let the unknown person control his life. As he gets to know more about Ian, Evan finds himself drawn to this man who is working to find the one out to kill him. Evan doesn't want to be just another case. There is so much more he needs from Ian…things that include being more up close, personal, and wicked.

Ian Walsh finds his professional detachment shattered by his latest case. Evan's optimism in the face of everything, and his guilelessness, makes for an interesting puzzle. His stubbornness, on the other hand, aggravates Ian. Yet he can't help but be captivated. Keeping Evan at a distance has become a problem. The lines between case and personal are blurred, but Ian is powerless to stop what is happening. With each new attempt made on Evan, they are baffled by the randomness of it. Ian will not let anything happen to this man who has captured him with his wicked intentions.

General Release Date: 18th June 2012

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-021-4
Word Count: 24,143
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 67

About the author
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Talia Carmichael

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It's all about the journey.

Among her books you'll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal settings with M/M and m?nage themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.

Reviews (5)
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  Reviewed by Joyfully Reviewed

A suspenseful tale well balanced with a burgeoning love story comes to life. Realistic characters engage readers in their dangerous mystery.  Emotions also run high as the drama unfolds.  E...

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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews


This is the first book in this wonderful series. I can guarantee that once you pick up this book you will not be able to put it down. You will get caught up with the first paragraph a...

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