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Review by Customer
Toppling Pedestals is one of the best Shorts I have read of DJ Manly's in a while. I adore all of DJ's novels don't get me wrong but this book spoke to me. I understand what it means to place someone on a Pedestal and not letting go of my pride long enough to tell them what they really mean to me. I understand what it means to lose a chance in life. Tristan and Sam reminded me so much of my friend and I that it was sadly scary. Sadly our pride prevents us from getting what we want. In If Come, AJ Llewellyn deals with the ancient deadly sin of acedia. Again He has outdone himself by making the readers put themselves in the book and experience the feelings of Zam and Dominic. Zam is crippled by his Acedia to the point that it threatens his well-being. However we learn as the story goes on that in Hollywood new dogs are up to old tricks. If Come is a sweet, deeply moving must read. Winter Challenge By Serena Yates. I have to be honest but my experiences with Serena have all been books she has Co wrote with AJ Llewellyn together they have always been brilliant however I have to say after reading Winter Challenge she is truly on my Writers to buy from now on. This story is BRILLIANT! Noah a Pediatrician who finds out a secret he never expected. This secret leads him to Canada and to a Man that he is connected to in ways his clinical mind has a hard time to wrapping itself around. Will they be able to find those who seek to harm them or will they fail their Winter Challenge.
Review by Queer Magazine Online
poignant love story...keep moving forward and not waste time...awesome...great potential...
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