

Corporate Plaything

Lizzie Lynn Lee

Customer & Industry Reviews of Corporate Plaything

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  Review by Tealeah Prior

Talk about setting the prey among the predators. This is exactly what happens to Anna, our heroine of this story. She is forced to go spy on the company owned by the triplet heroes of this story. Boy oh boy are there some sexy heroes in this story. They are all sexy and powerful men that work out that Anna was sent to spy on them. They will get there heroine no matter how far she runs. I really enjoyed this story and the characters also. I would recommend it to people who would enjoy this genre of story. Love!

  Review by Blackraven Reviews

Wow-ee! hot it singed my fingers (and my e-reader)...I will definitely be checking out your back list for more yummy books.

  Review by Whipped Cream Reviews

If you are looking for a quick read with enough hot sheet action to singe your e-reader, pick up a copy of Corporate Plaything. Ms. Lee has a tantalizing voice for both m�nage relationships and the paranormal. She combines both in this little novella f

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