

Dragon's Eye

Stephani Hecht

Customer & Industry Reviews of Dragon's Eye

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  Review by Crystal's Many Reviewers

There is love and pain in this story, and betrayal to the norm.  I am not sure which character touched me the most.  Duncan because he is forced to endure years of degradation, or Trent who is a loveable man who just had the bad luck to be born to a mad sorcerer.  They will both find a room in your heart.

  Review by Sid Love


I loved Duncan – the hot dragon shifter who is very brave and wears his heart on his sleeve. And I also loved Trent for his amazing magical abilities. 


This book proves to be a great start of an exciting series because when I was done with it, I couldn’t hold back on reading the second one!

  Review by Ecata Sensual Reviews

4.5 out of 5! Stephani Hecht has done it again � creating a new intriguing world for our reading enjoyment...Dragon's Eye will inflame the reader with the heat and passion...What a talented writer Stephani Hecht is!!

  Review by Queer Magazine Online

With a touch of magic, just a smidgen of action, a dash of domination, and a heap of lust between dragon and sorcerer thrown in, this story will leave you hungry for more...

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