

ITALIAN: Il Gatto della Fortuna (The Lucky Cat)

By L.M. Somerton

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Book Description
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Antiquariato e munizioni non vanno d'accordo.

Il commercio di antiquariato non è noto per essere un mondo eccitante e Landry Carran è contento di dover fare i conti solo con il lucido per i mobili, i tarli e un capo pignolo. Per soddisfare le sue preferenze si reca nel suo club BDSM preferito, Scorch.

Il detective Gage Roskam è sulle tracce di alcuni gioielli rubati da una mostra a Tokyo e spediti a Seattle. Incastrato in una corsa a rotta di collo che coinvolge la Yakuza, un misterioso inglese e fin troppi indizi indecifrabili, non ha tempo per soddisfare le proprie fantasie di Dom.

Quando i loro mondi si scontrano, né Landry né Gage si aspettano che le cose diventino così complicate – e pericolose. Quando Landry finisce sulla strada di alcuni uomini potenti e spietati, solo Gage è in grado di proteggerlo. E lungo il cammino potrebbero scoprire ciò di cui entrambi hanno bisogno.

General Release Date: 25th January 2022

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-80250-100-1
Word Count: 61,694
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 253

About the author
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L.M. Somerton

LM lives in a small village in the English countryside, surrounded by rolling hills, cows and sheep. She started writing to fill time between jobs and is now firmly and unashamedly addicted.

She loves the English weather, especially the rain, and adores a thunderstorm. She loves good food, warm company and a crackling fire. She's fascinated by the psychology of relationships, especially between men, and her stories contain some subtle leanings towards BDSM.

LM is a past winner of the National Leather Association – International’s Pauline Reage Award for best novel and John Preston award for short fiction. She has twice won the Golden Flogger Award for best BDSM novel in the LGBT category. She has received multiple Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards and won the Action and Adventure category of Divine Magazine’s Book Awards. 

Reviews (10)
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  Reviewed by The Faerie Review

The Lucky Cat is thrilling and hot. I absolutely LOVED this book! It's the right mix of thriller and sex. You immediately fall in love with Landry and Gage. They're  absolutely perfec...

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  Reviewed by Rainbow Gold Reviews

The humor in this book was the first thing to grab my attention. It was unexpected but very welcome. It made me connect with Landry from the start and Gage was a close second. I appreciated that Gage...

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