
The Eye of Evil

By Pelaam

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Book Description
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Power corrupts… Sometimes it can be petrifying.

In the upcoming council elections of the rural town where he lives, Jason is working as assistant to his cousin Neil, a man who’s as narcissistic as he is ambitious.

Almost running into Morena, the fortune teller from the visiting fair, Neil is able to turn the situation to his advantage and look good in the small community by offering free seats to the fair’s big top.

Paranormal detective Garen begins an investigation into a death where the victim is turned to stone and finds an unlikely ally in the victim’s housekeeper, Chloris Webling, a woman with powers of her own. However, when they are attacked by something that kills with fang and claw, Garen needs the help of his husband Luke.

Against his cousin’s wishes, Jason begins a relationship with Anaru, the nephew of one of Neil’s competitors. Jason’s concerned that not only might Neil discover his deception and sack him, but also about the infected bite on Neil’s forehead, which seems to be getting worse and making Neil more prone to furious outbursts than normal.

Luke comes to believe that the strange growth on Neil’s forehead is a manifestation of the evil eye of the demon Balor and that the fortune teller is using Neil as a vessel for the demon.

When the battle begins, it pits Garen and his forces against Madam Morena and her deadly familiar, while Luke and Chloris track down Neil to prevent the demon from using him as a gateway into the human world.

Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence and murder.

General Release Date: 7th July 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-053-4
Word Count: 40,501
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 171

About the author
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Living in clean, green New Zealand, Pelaam is a multi-published author of gay romance and erotica.

When not working at writing, Pelaam likes to indulge in her other passions of cookery and wine appreciation.


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