Finn wants justice in the Water Court's controversial murder trial - but two jurors have already been killed and now an assassin is after him and won't give up…
Finn Garrison is a Water Mage who lives in Bermuda and teaches swimming to water-phobes, assists in the salvage of ship wrecks and rehabilitates local wildlife in his spare time. When he gets called to be a juror in a high profile Water Court trial and his life is endangered, he knows he needs help.
Ty Anglin is an experienced Water Marshal who doesn't really want to become someone's glorified bodyguard. When he meets Finn, he's not only attracted to him, but also suddenly very protective. Two attempts on Finn's life later, they are both sure there is more going on than meets the eye.
Will they be able to find out who is behind the assassinations? Was the sea monster on trial really framed? And are freshwater people really being discriminated against by their saltwater cousins?
Reader Advisory: This story contains scenes of terrifying sea creatures and delectable blancmange variations.
General Release Date: 10th October 2011
Finn Garrison stepped out onto the sand and stretched. At six-foot-four, he was a big man and being scrunched up in a jury box day after day took its toll on him. Even his toes were happy to be back at the beach. He luxuriated in the chilly morning air and stared up at the sky.
He studied the appealing mix of shades. Brilliant blue with streaks of egg white cloud, a hint of green and soft grey. A whisper of rose. So much better than where he’d been. It reminded him of a Dairy Queen Blizzard. Why did he always think about things in terms of ice cream?
He longed to saunter over to Christopher’s house, which was just three doors down, and start his morning with a cup of coffee. Christopher was so much fun and always lifted his spirits, but he could tell by their closed patio door that Christopher’s lover, Marcel, was still home.
When Christopher was alone, music and good baking smells poured out of the open doors. That’s how he and Christopher had first met-on the beach, discussing food. He gulped as he realised Marcel was not Finn’s biggest fan. For some reason, he seemed jealous of the budding friendship between Christopher and Finn-which was ridiculous. Marcel was older, but the Fire Court judge had Christopher’s heart. Finn was more like his...court jester.
He found himself wondering, not for the first time, about Christopher’s relationship with the dangerous and powerful Marcel Paradis. They both held high positions in the Fire Council. They were part of the clandestine network of the super-secret elemental superpowers. So was Finn. Sometimes it made him feel like Batman, other times he felt like a lunatic.
If he told any regular person what his life was like, he’d wind up in a rubber room. A juror for the Water Court, Finn was adjudicating a difficult trial right now. Being new to the Northern California beach community of Half Moon Bay—his temporary home-he’d been relieved to meet Christopher and Marcel.
It had been a fluke really, since most people involved in elemental superpowers usually didn’t fraternise outside of their special elemental zone. Christopher was different, though. He had friends in all of the houses—earth, air, fire and water.
Dang...maybe I do like him as more than a friend.
This thought worried him. Hankering for the wrong guy had already landed him in a whole world of hurt. He could just quietly walk by their house. Christopher wouldn’t even need to know Finn was on the beach.
But I want him to see me. I want to hang out with him. I think he’s seriously special. He’s not only the hottest guy I’ve ever met, but nobody cooks the way he does.
Finn tried not to allow his romantic and sexual fantasies to filter into his brain. He had enough on his plate.
Still, he wavered. He longed to talk to Christopher, who was not only sympathetic and understanding, but also made a fantastic cup of coffee. Not that he’d discuss the actual case with the man—or more appropriately in Christopher’s case, Mage—but Christopher could make sense of even the smallest peculiarities. He was a magic man. Finn had no idea what the guy put in the coffee he made, but it always left Finn feeling very mellow. Christopher Fire ran an incredible bakery called Fabulous Cupcakes with Marcel’s son, Daine. It had become the hottest bakery in San Francisco, both with humans and the 'elementals' -as some people with superpowers called themselves.
Serena Yates
I'm a night owl who starts writing when everyone else in my time zone is asleep. I've loved reading all my life and spent most of my childhood with my nose buried in a book. Although I always wanted to be a writer, financial independence came first. Twenty-some years and a successful business career later I took some online writing classes and never looked back.
Living and working in seven countries has taught me that there's more than one way to get things done. It has instilled tremendous respect for the many different cultures, beliefs, attitudes and preferences that exist on our planet.
I like exploring those differences in my stories, most of which happen to be romances. My characters have a tendency to want to do their own thing, so I often have to rein them back in. The one thing we all agree on is the desire for a happy ending.
I currently live in the United Kingdom, sharing my house with a vast collection of books. I like reading, traveling, spending time with my nieces and listening to classical music. I have a passion for science and learning new languages.
A.J. Llewellyn
A.J. Llewellyn lives in California, but dreams of living in Hawaii. Frequent trips to all the islands, bags of Kona coffee in the fridge and a healthy collection of Hawaiian records keep this writer refueled.
A.J. never lacks inspiration for male/male erotic romances and on the rare occasions this happens, pursues other passions such as collecting books on Hawaiiana, surfing and spending time with friends and animal companions.
A.J. Llewellyn believes that love is a song best sung out loud.
Reviewed by Literary Nymphs
a wonderful paranormal story...It's well written, has good descriptions, and a complicated mystery plot that kept me guessing...great sizzling hot sex...
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Reviewed by Ecata Sensual Reviews
Excellent stories, fantastic characters and clever plots twists make The Blancmange one story you will not want to put down...The Blancmange will be hard to top but A.J. Llewellyn and Serena Yates are...
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