

Perfect Strangers

By Edward Kendrick

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Book Description
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Opposites attract—but is that attraction enough to bring two strangers together?

Raphael Koenig is an assassin working for a covert outfit. He also uses alcohol to fend off terrifying nightmares. After completing one too many kills and dealing with one too many nightmares, he’s close to burning out. So, he takes a break—a two-week vacation in New Orleans.

Alden Durant lives and works in New Orleans. One afternoon he happens to see a sad, lonely looking man—Raphael. When they run into each other again, Alden offers to show him the city and they strike up a tentative friendship that leads to a casual sexual relationship that they are certain will end when Raphael’s vacation is over.

Raphael is called back early for another job, and both men believe they will never meet again. Then, fate steps in when Raphael is sent to New Orleans to take out a hired killer. He and Alden reconnect, but will they be able to handle the revelations that ensue? Or will those revelations drive them apart this time—permanently? 

Reader Advisory: This book containhs some scenes of graphic violence and scenes of murder.

General Release Date: 10th May 2016

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-413-4
Word Count: 37,346
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 111

About the author
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Edward Kendrick

Born and bred Cleveland, I earned a degree in technical theater, later switched to costuming and headed to NYC. Finally seeing the futility of trying to become rich and famous in the Big Apple, I joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), ending up in Chicago for three years. Then it was on to Denver where I put down roots and worked as a costume designer until just recently.

I began writing a few years ago after joining an online fanfic group. Two friends and I then started a group for writers where they may post any story they wish no matter the genre or content. Since then, for the last three years, I've been writing for publication. Most, but not all, of my work is m/m, either mildly erotic or purely 'romantic', and more often than not it involves a mystery or covert operations.


Reviews (5)
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  Reviewed by Prism Book Alliance

I can recommend this book as a well-written, character driven story with surprisingly little angst and a nice touch of romance.

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  Reviewed by The Novel Approach

It was well written, easy to follow and emotional. I really enjoyed it and the New Orleans setting for this story, because I’ve been there and seen many of the mentioned places.

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