

Nibiru Vampire Warriors: Chapter Two

By A.J. Llewellyn & D.J. Manly

Blood Slave: Nibiru Vampire Warriors serial (Book #2)

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Book Description
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Zero finds being Stride's Blood Slave creates havoc for them both. They need each other for survival, but now Zero must also cope with his deepening love for the seemingly impervious Vampire Warrior.

In Book 2, surprises are in store for Zero whose dead lover, Daken, speaks to him, guiding him as the supposedly doomed planet they are on actually plays host to a multitude of hybrid communities, including a blood slave tribe serving a vampire queen. The slaves in question are a shock to both Stride and Zero whose push-pull relationship becomes even more aggressive now that Zero seems to have awoken long-dormant feelings in Stride.

The two vampires find lethal enemies at every turn. Who can they trust as danger lurks with each and every step? With the past coming back with a vengeance for Stride, an old enemy proves to be a formidable foe. Zero too, must face certain truths…or face a fate worse than being Stride's blood slave.

Reader Advisory: This book is part of an ongoing serial series, best read in order as it continues.

General Release Date: 25th April 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-527-6
Word Count: 16,386
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 50

About the author
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A.J. Llewellyn & D.J. Manly

A.J. Llewellyn

A.J. Llewellyn lives in California, but dreams of living in Hawaii. Frequent trips to all the islands, bags of Kona coffee in the fridge and a healthy collection of Hawaiian records keep this writer refueled.

A.J. never lacks inspiration for male/male erotic romances and on the rare occasions this happens, pursues other passions such as collecting books on Hawaiiana, surfing and spending time with friends and animal companions.

A.J. Llewellyn believes that love is a song best sung out loud.

D.J. Manly

I write not only for my own pleasure, but for the pleasure of my readers. I can't remember a time in my life when I haven't written and told stories. When I'm not writing, I'm dreaming about writing. Eroticism between consenting adults, in all its many forms is the icing on the cake of life but one does not live by sex alone. The story of how two people find love in spite of the odds is what really turns me on.

Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by Customer

Zero and Stride are at each other's throats still as well as the unknown threat is not a known threat. We find out Zero isn't the only who hates Stride and wants him dead. Well maybe dead...

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  Reviewed by Queer Magazine Online

I love that the evolution of this epic tale keeps taking me by surprise...If the next chapters continue to be as exciting as the first two, we are certainly in for one hell of a ride! I, for one, can't...

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