

Jett's Gift

By Jude Mason

Lust Bites collection (Book #148)

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Book Description
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A six hundred year old vampire finds love, but will it, can it, last when AIDS pokes its ugly head up?

Jett is a creature of the night and he's not happy. In fact, he's heartbroken and in love. The man who's torn his world apart has been diagnosed with AIDS.

Jett knows he can save Alex, the man who's stolen his heart, but for some reason he's been denied.

After weeks, months of frustrated discussions and fighting, Jett's determined to give it one last try.

General Release Date: 7th February 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-462-0
Word Count: 11,905
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 33

About the author
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Jude Mason

Jude's imagination frequently leads her astray and she eagerly follows while trying to keep out of trouble, or at least, not get caught. For those of you who know her, you'll know that's not always easy. A picture, a smell, an unexpected glimpse of flesh, or a load of soil in the back of a pick-up, are all fodder for her writing. Her male characters run the gamut from the dominant male ruling his women with an iron fist, to a simpering purple-clad boy-toy whose only desire is to please. As diverse and as richly depicted, her women find themselves in a myriad of exotic and erotic situations.

Catch up with Jude at her blog and MySpace.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Ecata Sensual Reviews

4.5 out of 5!...Jett's Gift may be a short story but it packs a powerful punch. Another great job Jude Mason. Jett's Gift is our gift as well.

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  Reviewed by Queer Magazine Online interesting book...Jett's Gift offers a great look at a desperate situation from the point of view of someone who can help, but is prevented from doing so.

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