


By Jude Mason

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Book Description
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The son of a healer and a warrior, Doc is forced to take on both roles when his village is destroyed and his lover…gone.

Returning from a visit to one of the outland farms, Doc finds his village destroyed, his family either gone or dead and his lover vanished without a trace. The few survivors hidden among the ruins tell a tale of ruthless, sadistic marauders taking what they want and burning the rest. Doc finds too many dead and his heart breaks for those he finds alive. Mothers whose children are gone, husbands who have lost everything and everyone.
Pulling as many people as he can together and tending their wounds, Doc vows to find the rest of his people. His father is among the dead, but his mother, his sister and lover are not.
The hunt is on.
Reader Advisory: This book is number one in a series and best read first. Contains scenes of hot m/m and m/f intimacy.

General Release Date: 7th March 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-490-3
Word Count: 34,524
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 89

About the author
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Jude Mason

Jude's imagination frequently leads her astray and she eagerly follows while trying to keep out of trouble, or at least, not get caught. For those of you who know her, you'll know that's not always easy. A picture, a smell, an unexpected glimpse of flesh, or a load of soil in the back of a pick-up, are all fodder for her writing. Her male characters run the gamut from the dominant male ruling his women with an iron fist, to a simpering purple-clad boy-toy whose only desire is to please. As diverse and as richly depicted, her women find themselves in a myriad of exotic and erotic situations.

Catch up with Jude at her blog and MySpace.

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