
By the Numbers PRINT

By Nicole Dennis

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Book Description
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Can a scruffy carpenter and a neurotic accountant find middle ground?

With permission to begin construction and repairs on the Southern Charm, Sullivan ‘Sully’ Tarleton can’t wait to start bringing the old hotel back to new life. He and his crew jump on the tear-down until he overhears his friends talking about picking up the accountant at the airport. Volunteering since he needs to head that way, he doesn’t know the changes this accountant will bring to his life.

Suffering from severe OCD and additional issues after growing up with a hoarder parent, Chandler Braddock prefers to keep his surroundings neat, perfect, organised, and minimal. A reason he enjoys working with numbers. They always balance out, match up to others, and are able to be tracked. Often refusing to leave his New York office, he gives in when his best friend, Samuel, requests his presence in Florida. But what will happen when he’s met by a sexy, but very messy carpenter? And will he be able to give up his orderly life for such a man?


General Release Date: 30th May 2014

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-1-78184-795-4
Word Count: 56,928
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 256

About the author
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Nicole Dennis

Dreamy…Sensual…Forever Love
A quiet one, Nicole Dennis is the penname of an asexual author of different genres of fiction – both LGBT+ and hetero. Lots of characters, worlds, and stories build up in her head until she must get them down on the screen – anything from romance to fantasy to paranormal.

During the day, she works in a quiet office in Central Florida, where she makes her home, and enjoys the down time to slip into her imagination. She is owned by a new feline companion – a house panther, affectionately known as Brat Cat.

Follow her Facebook author page, join her Facebook Group, find out more on her website and follow her on Amazon.

Reviews (5)
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  Reviewed by Inked Rainbow Reads

Sully is written to great detail. I can totally see him in my head, which makes for a much better experience for the reader. He is strong, steady, patient, kind, and sounds HOT!

The relationship is somewhat shak...

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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

I really, really liked this lot. I absolutely loved Chandler. I swooned over Sully and I actually loved his campy gay t-shirts. I truly love this series and can’t wait to see what happens with Ree...

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