
A Christmas Carol

By Em Woods

Clandestine Classics collection (Book #1)

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Book Description
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The Classics Exposed…

Love at first sight is a beautiful thing, but sometimes, true love waits a lifetime to shine…and then needs a little help from the Three Ghosts of Christmas.

As a young man, Ebenezer Scrooge felt the sharp pain of loss and resolved to protect his heart from all others, taking solace in his gold and silver. Years of discarding his own emotions, and those of anyone around him, has turned Scrooge cold.

When deceased lover and partner Jacob Marley pays miserly Scrooge a late night visit, pride and disbelief buoy Scrooge's courage. As the fabled Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet-to-Come arrive to show Scrooge the error of his ways, they also give him brief glimpses of a love so strong it has stood the test of time.

In an inspiring tale of change, a deep-seated need flares to life, leaving Scrooge without a doubt that love and family are what really matter at Christmas.

Reader Advisory: This book contains gay erotic content with a leaning toward domination/submission and one scene of dubious consent.

You only pay for the words our authors have added—not for the original content.

General Release Date: 3rd December 2012

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-191-4
Word Count: 38,894
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 100

About the author
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Em Woods

Hi all! Let's see, a little about me. I am an Army brat, which lends to my imagination…and I am a wife & mother of two energetic little boys, which gives me my sense of humour. I started writing in high school for the newspaper and have written steadily since then for my own enjoyment. I have lived a little of everywhere thanks to the travel bug I inherited from my dad, but currently am push-pinned in southeast Michigan. A typical day is a little crazy but I always work in writing time and I love chatting with friends. Feel free to visit me at my website.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Katy Beth

This classic story has always been a favorite for me and the twists that Em adds make for an ever richer tale. The two are well blended.

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  Reviewed by Customer

Em Woods' update is a loving homage to the original and will easily bring in a new generation. With its erotically charged m/m scenes and vividly descriptive journey through one man's life THIS version...

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News (1)
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Em Woods - Guys Like Romance Too feature

Happy holidays to all of you out there in Guys Like Romance Too wonderland! This is Em Woods here, joining you from my snug-as-a-bug fleece blanket for a few moments of wintery cheer. So, I bet you’re curious what the heck I meant about wanting to be like Scrooge, eh? Well, I mean, I want to be like MY Scrooge. The one I tweaked with a little bit of love and a whole lot of angst in my modified rendition of A Christmas Carol.

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