
A Brewing Storm

By E.J. Sutter

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Book Description
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The Shadow Worlds are dying. Can two sworn enemies manage to get past their differences and ignore their burning attraction to each other long enough to save them?

Brandon is a Weaver, a member of an old, powerful race. His discovery that Master Weavers are disappearing, presumed murdered, is a shock. Even more so when he realises that the person responsible is not actually a person at all, but a Revenant, and worse, the creature also known as the Abomination.

Things are not quite how they seem, however.

Jaime is a Revenant, a creature born from death and designed to do his Master's bidding. He's been living in the shadows for years. Now, the Shadow Worlds are dying, Weavers are disappearing, and Jamie is no longer the only Revenant to survive their Master.

Can these two men ignore the hatred, and the passion, that burns between them, and work together to find out just what is happening to the Universe around them?

They must uncover age old secrets of the Weavers, and defeat enemies who are closer to them than they'd realised.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of non-consensual sex including the detailed account of a gang-rape, not intended for titillation, which some readers may find distressing.

General Release Date: 21st June 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-350-5
Word Count: 89,648
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 217

About the author
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E.J. Sutter

E.J Sutter hails from the North West of the UK, specifically Liverpool. She currently lives in the wilds of Lancashire with two cats and two extremely stupid dogs. She has been scribbling ever since she was a child when, at the tender age of 7, she had a poem published in a local anthology. This led to a life long hatred of poetry, as she was then expected to be able to write it! In fact, she wrote the poem in about five minutes, as she'd wasted the whole of the lesson talking, and wasn't allowed out at playtime until she'd finished it.

Stories, however, have been tumbling out of her brain for as long as she can remember, but she's only just got around to putting them down on her laptop.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Customer

I read RJ Scott's review and thought that sounds like something I'd love to read, and boy did I ever!! 5 stars, and a huge shout out to RJ for her review!! The story is set in today's world but...

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News (1)
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E.J. Sutter - Interview for A Brewing Storm

What is your writing process?


To be honest, I was stuck in a holiday cottage in the snowy Highlands of Scotland one January, with no Internet or phone signal. I just sat at the laptop and started typing. I guess I’m dangerous when I’m bored. I can’t afford distractions, and need complete quiet, or my mind drifts. If I listen to music, I tend to find I’m typing the lyrics of the song I’m listening to before I know it…


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